We evaluate and develop effective communication concepts and strategies that enhance a client’s product, image and service.
As graphics designers we use typography, color, photography, illustration and printing techniques to convey visual ideas to a desired message achieving a strong aesthetic impact.
Our skills are applied in a variety of visual communications using logo identity systems and promotional campaigns including, but not limited to, printed materials such as books, magazines, catalogs, newsletters, annual reports, direct mail packages, stationery, brochures, press kits, products and packaging. We also offer our hand in web design and other digital media development.
Research - We interview the client in depth, gathering information to define the needs, objectives, and problems that need to be solved. We then begin to research the product, image or service in order to further understand and establish design criteria.
Concert Development - After reaching an agreement concerning the project, visual solutions are pursued. We prepare a presentation with basic roughs showing ideas we feel are viable in achieving the prescribed criteria that meet the stated objectives.
Design Development - We begin to refine the accepted design direction developing the general format, typography, color, and if required, the assignment of illustration and/or photography. A final presentation is made to the client explaining the refined applications.
Design Implementation - Using the identity system guidelines (usually in the form of a graphics standards manual) we begin implementation. Decisions on all related art direction are final at this point. This includes typography, color, commissioned illustrations and photography, copywriting, layouts and digital applications. Any changes made must go through the designer to ensure the identity of the brand or product is properly applied in its final design and presentation with the client’s final approval.